Let’s have a spikey spa day

Bath Hedgehog Bad jou krimpvarkieSplish splash we are going to be taking a spikey bath.

When you are a new spikey floof parent, you will need to learn few things.

So let’s get started, make sure you have everything you need to make this spa day memorable.

Fill your sink with lukewarm water and place a facecloth at the bottom of the sink to prevent your spikey friend from scuba diving without the right gear.

Gently place your hedgy into the water and use a cup to start wetting his quills, if the water is too dirty after this you can drain the sink and draw him a new bath.

When you start washing your hedgy use the appropriate soap and a toothbrush and gently start brushing the quills in the direction of their growth. Do this until you can see he is clean enough. If you...

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A barking great bath experience

Dog After BathDid you know when a dog shakes his wet coat after a nice warm bath he is doing 70% of your drying job, well on his body because now you have to dry him and practically your whole bathroom.

Grooming your dog at home can be a challenging task and it can ruin a loving bond between owner and fur baby very fast, but lucky for you we going to give you some advice to keep that loving bond as strong as ever.

When washing your fur baby at home there are a few things you can do to make yourself and...

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